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Period 2 – Week 3 Training Report

PERIOD 2 – WEEK 3 (12/18 – 12/24) TRAINING REPORT

HIGHLIGHTS: This was the overload week of the second period of the 2018 season. The primary goal for this period is to continue the base period building all-round fitness and strength, and a strong endurance and aerobic base using efforts in Zone 2 (70%-80% MHR) and Zone 3 (80%-92% MHR). A secondary goal will be to increase training volume, not intensity. The weekday workouts were conducted indoors on a power trainer. Saturday’s workout was conducted outdoors on a local bike trail. Sunday’s workout was conducted indoors on a power trainer.

Tuesday’s workout was an intensive endurance effort at 80%-90% MHR for three 10-minute intervals, with three minutes recovery between the intervals. Average speed was 18.4 mph; maximum speed was 22.5 mph. Average power was 124 watts; maximum power was 425 watts.

Wednesday’s workout was a strength training session consisting of a 10-minute warmup on the bike, an assortment of 11 exercises, such as high-bench step-ups, one-leg squats, press-ups, and planks, followed by a 10-minute cooldown on the bike. Average speed was 15.5 mph; maximum speed was 16.3 mph. Average power was 73 watts; maximum power was 85 watts.

Thursday’s workout was an endurance and aerobic fitness effort consisting of five minutes at the top of Zone 2 (70%-80% MHR) followed by five minutes at the top of Zone 3 (80%-90% MHR), repeated four times without any recovery between the pair of intervals. Average speed was 18.4 mph; maximum speed was 22.5 mph. Average power was 122 watts; maximum power was 425 watts.

Friday’s workout was a strength training session consisting of a 10-minute warmup on the bike, an assortment of 11 exercises, such as high-bench step-ups, one-leg squats, press-ups, and planks, followed by a 10-minute cooldown on the bike. Average speed was 15.6 mph; maximum speed was 16.7 mph. Average power was 76 watts; maximum power was 111 watts.

Saturday’s workout was a 23.82 mile effort at 70%-90% MHR completed in 1:34:53. Average speed was 15.1 mph; maximum speed was 22.2 mph.

Sunday’s workout was a steady endurance effort at 70%-80% MHR completed in 1:00:03. Average speed was 18.4 mph; maximum speed was 25.0 mph. Average power was 121 watts; maximum power was 473 watts.


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