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Period 6 – Week 4 Training Report

PERIOD 6 – WEEK 4  (03/30 – 04/05) TRAINING REPORT

HIGHLIGHTS: This was the recovery week of this training period. The aim is to maintain aerobic and strength gains while increasing lactate tolerance and sustainable race pace. All of the weekday workouts were conducted indoors on a power trainer. Saturday’s ride was conducted outdoors on a local bike trail. Sunday’s virtual race was conducted indoors on a power trainer.

Tuesday’s workout was three VO2max intervals, riding for three minutes above 212 watts, followed by three minutes below 212 watts. Average speed was 14.8 mph; maximum speed was 19.9 mph. Average power was 130 watts; maximum power was 300 watts.

Wednesday’s workout was a strength training session consisting of a 10-minute warmup on the bike, an assortment of 13 exercises, such as high-bench step-ups, one-leg squats, press-ups, and planks, followed by a 10-minute cooldown on the bike. Average speed was 16.2 mph; maximum speed was 17.4 mph. Average power was 151 watts; maximum power was 180 watts.

Thursday’s workout was eight 15-second ‘flat-out’ sprint intervals, followed by 2:45 recovery. Average speed was 12.9 mph; maximum speed was 23.3 mph. Average power was 101 watts; maximum power was 454 watts.

Saturday’s ride was a 22.01 mile effort at 60%-70% MHR completed in 1:33:08. Average speed was 14.2 mph; maximum speed was 19.4 mph.

Sunday’s virtual race was a 9.24 mile effort at 75%-105% MHR completed in 0:28:48. Average speed was 19.3 mph; maximum speed was 30.3 mph. Average power was 192 watts; maximum power was 286 watts.


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