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Base 3 – Week 7 Training Report

BASE 3 – WEEK 7 (03/28 – 04/03) TRAINING REPORT

HIGHLIGHTS: The goal for this training period is to continue increasing time in the saddle with the addition of race-pace and anaerobic intervals and a 20-minute yoga routine two or three times weekly aimed at strengthening my shoulders and lower back. All workouts were conducted indoors with the Zwift application.

COMMENTS: The big news this week was the successful purchase of a new recumbent racing bike. There was a very limited number available on Tuesday on a first-come-first serve basis. I think I got one of the first ones of the three color schemes on sale: red, gold, and white. I selected a gold one. The red and gold models sold out within the first hour. The white ones took a bit longer. But all models were sold out in record time. Delivery of the complete bikes is scheduled for May. I’ve alerted my local bike shop for assistance with assembly and fitting as soon as the bike arrives. I’m hoping to spend some time learning to ride the recumbent in time to start racing it for the second half of the season in June.

Tuesday’s L6 Anaerobic Capacity Virtual Hill Intervals workout was 21.25 miles in 1:20:57. Average speed was 17.0 mph; maximum speed was 22.6 mph. Average power was 89 watts; maximum power was 182 watts.

Wednesday’s L1 Active Recovery Varied workout was 18.28 miles in 1:00:12. Average speed was 18.3 mph; maximum speed was 26.5 mph. Average power was 108 watts; maximum power was 151 watts.

Thursday’s L2 Endurance Rolling Pace/Badge Challenge workout was 38.76 miles in 1:52:18. Average speed was 21.5 mph; maximum speed was 26.5 mph. Average power was 158 watts; maximum power was 222 watts.

Friday’s L1 Active Recovery Undulating workout was 19.19 miles in 1:00:14. Average speed was 19.2 mph; maximum speed was 24.7 mph. Average power was 121 watts; maximum power was 169 watts.

Saturday’s L4/L6 Anaerobic Capacity Intervals & SST workout was 34.43 miles in 1:56:33. Average speed was 18.7 mph; maximum speed was 26.4 mph. Average power was 114 watts; maximum power was 280 watts.

Sunday’s L1 Active Recovery Steady workout was 18.61 miles in 1:00:14. Average speed was 18.6 mph; maximum speed was 23.5 mph. Average power was 112 watts; maximum power was 149 watts.


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