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Tip #3: Should you reward yourself for exercising?

The obesity levels for the senior population in the U.S. is now over 40 percent. If you are a former high school/college/post-college athlete who has been on the couch for the past 20-30+ years, this series of twice-monthly posts will show you how to resume an active lifestyle.

Fortunately, numerous studies have confirmed that it is never too late to resume an active lifestyle. I will show you how to reduce your fitness age, a more reliable indicator of longevity than your BMI, by 20+ years over the next 12-24 months. You will definitely be healthier, happier, and an inspiration for your family, friends, and colleagues. What’s better than that?

Should you reward yourself for exercising?

Short answer, yes! I want you to reward physical activity. The most powerful reason for exercising is the belief that you’re intrinsically doing something that will impact your health for the better. Just as important, for a former athlete, are the tangible results, such as a new personal best in a race/ride or a medal, a jersey, a trophy, and/or prize money. Other rewards might be your name on a leader board or picture on a wall of fame at your local fitness center. Just don’t go overboard at an all-you-can-eat buffet to celebrate.

What have I learned?

The main reason I switched to racing time trials was the individual result I achieved in each race. I get a tangible result that shows how competitive I am. I celebrate personal records. I’ve also won medals, jerseys, trophies, and prize money. I once won a pound of bacon. These are all tangible proof of my athletic achievements, which I share with family and friends.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about living an active lifestyle or about your cycling goals, training, racing, or gear, I’d like to hear about it. I may address it in a future post. Just drop me a note.

Tip #4 Preview: What is my current fitness age?

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