2025 Race Season

The primary focus of my 16th consecutive time trial race season, my fourth with my state-of-the-art recumbent race trike, is winning two national age-group time trial championships at National Senior Games in Des Moines, IA. There is a possibility of setting triple inaugural World Ultra Cycling Association (WUCA) records for 100 kilometers, 100 miles, and six hours in my age-group on a recumbent trike on an indoor velodrome before the end of the year. That possibility is still being discussed (updated 01/26/2025).

  1. 5 Kilometer (3.1 miles) Age-Group Three-Wheel Recumbent Time Trial, National Senior Games, Des Moines, IA, Wednesday, July 30, 2025
  2. 10 Kilometer (6.2 miles) Age-Group Three-Wheel Recumbent Time Trial, National Senior Games, Des Moines, IA, Thursday, July 31, 2025
  3. Inaugural Age-Group WUCA World Record (100 km), Lexus Velodrome, Detroit, MI (date to be determined)
  4. Inaugural Age-Group WUCA World Record (100 mi), Lexus Velodrome, Detroit, MI (date to be determined)
  5. Inaugural Age-Group WUCA World Record (6 hr), Lexus Velodrome, Detroit, MI (date to be determined)