NVSO 10 KM TIme Trial Race Report
The Northern Virginia Senior Olympics (NVSO) 10 km time trial was held at Northern Fauquier Community Park, Marshall, VA, on Sunday, September 8, 2013. The course was a 6.2 mile, rolling hill, loop course on the rural roads outside the park.
This race was scheduled to start at 8:00 a.m. I estimated my start time to be around 8:16 a.m. Turned out that the organizers were anything but organized. There were radio problems and glitches with the timing equipment. The first rider didn’t start until almost 8:45 a.m. Any benefit from a warm-up routine was long gone. When I finally started my race, I figured I would use it as a warm-up for the 20 km TT an hour later.
Race replay: NVSO 10 km Time Trial
I knew that I needed to attack the hills between miles 2 and 4 in my small chainring if I was going to have any shot at a fast time. This strategy worked almost perfectly. I switched to the big chainring for the drive to the finish line at over 32 mph. Official time was: 0:17:12.578 (21.67 mph average) for 2nd place.
left: start of the 10 km TT, center: finish of the race at over 32 mph, right: 2nd Place podium finish