Build 1 – Week 2 Training Report

BUILD 1 – WEEK 2  (05/11 – 05/17) TRAINING REPORT

HIGHLIGHTS: This was the buildup week of this training period. The aim for this period is to replicate the characteristic stresses expected in races through anaerobic intervals, hill repeats, and tempo workouts. All of the workouts were conducted indoors on a power trainer.

Tuesday’s workout was L4/5 Up and Overs + Endurance: 5 x two minute intervals starting 85 watts and rising to 135 watts;. three repeats of four one minute intervals starting at 212 watts rising to 276 watts, followed by one minute recovery after each interval at 95 watts; ending with 45 minutes at 127 – 159 watts. Average speed was 18.2 mph; maximum speed was 41.6 mph. Average power was 139 watts; maximum power was 289 watts.

Wednesday’s workout was L1 Active Recovery Undulations: six pairs of five minute intervals at 85 watts and five minutes at 117 watts. Average speed was 16.6 mph; maximum speed was 23.8 mph. Average power was 99 watts; maximum power was 137 watts.

Thursday’s workout was L4/5 Up and Overs + Endurance: two sets of four two-minute intervals at 187 watts, 191 watts, 195 watts, and 189 watts, followed by five minutes recovery between sets. Average speed was 16.6 mph; maximum speed was 20.3 mph. Average power was 135 watts; maximum power was 210 watts.

Friday’s workout was was L1 Active Recovery: 60 minutes at 106 watts. Average speed was 16.2 mph; maximum speed was 26.6 mph. Average power was 104 watts; maximum power was 137 watts.

Saturday’s workout was L2/4/6 Pre-Race Preparation: 10-minute warmup at 85-106 watts; three 1-minute intervals at 201 watts, followed by one minute recovery at 117 watts, 5 minutes easy recovery; two pairs of 30-second intervals at 212 watts and 30-second intervals at 318 watts, followed by one minute recovery at 117 watts. Average speed was 15.3 mph; maximum speed was 24,4 mph. Average power was 112 watts; maximum power was 330 watts.

Sunday’s virtual race was the Stray Kats Kankakee 20 KM Time Trial. Average speed was 23.0 mph; maximum speed was 32.7 mph. Average power was 203 watts; maximum power was 366 watts.


  • Total Distance: 115.11 mi
  • Longest Ride: 27.11 mi
  • Total Time for Week: 8:07:58 (h:m:s)
  • Avg Speed: 17.6 mph
  • Max Speed: 41.6 mph
  • Avg Power: 128 watts
  • Max Power: 366 watts
  • Calories: 3,274 C
  • Avg Weight: 167.3