Build 2 – Week 4 Training Report
BUILD 2 – WEEK 4 (06/22 – 06/28) TRAINING REPORT
HIGHLIGHTS: The aim for this period is similar to last period: replicate the characteristic stresses expected in races through anaerobic intervals, hill repeats, and tempo workouts. All workouts, with the exception of Saturday’s outdoor race, were conducted indoors on a power trainer.
Tuesday’s workout was L1 Active Recovery Undulations: five minutes at 85 watts, followed by five minutes at 117 watts, repeated six times. Average speed was 17.0 mph; maximum speed was 20.9 mph. Average power was 99 watts; maximum power was 134 watts.
Wednesday’s workout was L4 FTP Intervals: 5 x eight minutes at 201 watts followed by four minutes recovery at 95 watts. Average speed was 19.7 mph; maximum speed was 26.1 mph. Average power was 151 watts; maximum power was 252 watts.
Thursday’s workout was L1 Active Recovery Undulations: five minutes at 85 watts, followed by five minutes at 117 watts, repeated six times. Average speed was 17.0 mph; maximum speed was 22.9 mph. Average power was 99 watts; maximum power was 175 watts.
Friday’s workout was L2/4/6 Pre-Race Preparation: 30 minute warmup at 85-106 watts; three 1-minute intervals at 201 watts, followed by one minute recovery at 117 watts, 5 minutes easy recovery; two pairs of 30-second intervals at 212 watts and 30-second intervals at 318 watts, followed by one minute recovery at 117 watts; 15 minute cooldown at 85 watts. Average speed was 17.4 mph; maximum speed was 26.1 mph. Average power was 109 watts; maximum power was 324 watts.
Saturday’s race was the ABR 10 MI Time Trial Challenge. Average speed was 22.3 mph; maximum speed was 27.5 mph.
Sunday’s workout was L2 Longer Endurance: two hours at 138-180 watts. Average speed was 19.5 mph; maximum speed was 28.0 mph. Average power was 145 watts; maximum power was 176 watts.
- Total Distance: 113.04 mi
- Longest Ride: 23.04 mi
- Total Time for Week: 7:19:45 (h:m:s)
- Avg Speed: 18.3 mph
- Max Speed: 28.0 mph
- Avg Power: 121 watts
- Max Power: 324 watts
- Calories: 2,661 C
- Avg Weight: 167.5