Period 6 – Week 4 Training Report
HIGHLIGHTS: This was a recovery week ending this training period. On Monday, I severely strained my left side shoulder/neck muscle shoveling 7-inches of snow. After treating it with over-the-counter pain killers and analgesic creams for 24 hours, I had to be rushed to the Emergency Room at 1:30 AM Tuesday morning when the muscle began to spasm. Received prescriptions for a pain killer and anti-spasm medications. As a result, the Tuesday power interval workout was cancelled.
Wednesday’s workout was a 70%-75% MHR effort for 40 minutes at 95 RPM cadence in the 52 x 16 gear. Maximum speed was 22.5 mph. Thursday’s power interval workout was cancelled. On Friday, after a follow-up doctor appointment for additional muscle-relaxer medication, a 15-minute sub-70% MHR effort at 95 RPM cadence in the 36 x 16 gear was completed. Maximum speed was 19.3 mph; maximum power was 131 watts.
Saturday’s outdoor workout was a 58.83-mile ride completed in 3:51:38 at 70%-75% MHR at 90-95 RPM cadence. Maximum speed was 28.4 mph. Sunday’s indoor workout was 40-minutes in the 52 x 16 gear at 90-95 RPM cadence. Maximum speed was 23.4 mph; maximum power was 219 watts.
- Total Distance: 90.30 mi
- Longest Ride: 58.83 mi
- Total Time for Week: 5:26:45 (h:m:s)
- Avg Speed: 16.6 mph
- Max Speed: 28.4 mph
- Avg Power: 148 W
- Max Power: 219 W
- Calories: 2,237 C
- Avg Weight: 175.25