Period 1 – Week 1 Training Report


HIGHLIGHTS: The focus of this week was rebuilding my aerobic base for the 2015 race season. Tuesday’s workout was a intensive endurance effort at 85% MHR for two intervals of eight minutes in the 52 x 15 gear at 95 RPM cadence, with five minutes recovery below 70% MHR. Average speed was 20.7 mph; maximum speed was 25.5 mph. Average power was 167 watts; maximum power was 284 watts. Wednesday’s workout was a recovery effort below 70% MHR for 40 minutes in the 52 x 17 gear at over 95 RPM cadence. Average speed was 20.2 mph; maximum speed was 21.2 mph. Average power was 148 watts; maximum power was 168 watts.

Thursday’s workout was an endurance effort at 80% MHR effort for five minutes at 95 RPM cadence in the 52 x 16 gear, immediately followed by a 85% MHR effort for five minutes at 100 RPM cadence. Immediately following the second effort, the two intervals are repeated. Average speed was 21.3 mph; maximum speed was 24.5 mph. Average power was 174 watts; maximum power was 251 watts. Friday’s workout was a recovery effort below 70% MHR for 40 minutes in the 52 x 17 gear at 95 RPM cadence. Average speed was 19.6 mph; maximum speed was 21.0 mph. Average power was 137 watts; maximum power was 162 watts.

Saturday’s workout was conducted outdoors: a 24.58 mile effort at 75% – 80% MHR at 90 RPM cadence. Average speed was 15.8 mph; maximum speed was 27.8 mph.

Sunday’s scheduled outdoor recovery workout was replaced with an attempt to complete a functional threshold power (FTP) test on the power trainer. There are two ways to determine an individual’s FTP. The first way, estimation, is the least accurate method, though the five-step formula can be reasonably accurate for many racers. I estimated my 100% FTP to be 299 watts.

The second way, the more accurate method, is to ride averaging the highest watts possible for a substantial period of time. This workout is conducted in three parts: 1) 30 minute warmup, 2) a five-minute all-out effort, 10 minutes easy riding, then a 20 minute time trial, and 3) a 10-15 minute cool-down. I had completed the warmup and had started the five-minute all-out effort when I experienced some phlegm in my throat, probably caused by my sports drink that contains citrus, reducing my ability to take deep breaths. I aborted the test, shifting to a recovery pace until stopping at the 45 minute mark, which would have been the start of the 20-minute time trial. The complete test takes an hour and 20 minutes. I will try to complete this test next Tuesday, and a second time on Thursday, per my coach’s instructions.


  • Total Distance: 93.60 mi
  • Longest Ride: 24.58 mi
  • Total Time for Week: 4:59:21 (h:m:s)
  • Avg Speed: 18.8 mph
  • Max Speed: 28.2 mph
  • Avg Power: 159 W
  • Max Power: 300 W
  • Calories: 2,479 C
  • Avg Weight: 172.68