Period 3 – Week 1 Training Report

PERIOD 3 – WEEK 1 (01/09 – 01/15) TRAINING REPORT

HIGHLIGHTS: This was the base week for the third training period of the 2017 race season. The goal for this period is to continue to rebuild my endurance base with an increase in time and intensity, but with the introduction of higher intensity in the trainer sessions. The weekday workouts were conducted indoors on a trainer. The weekend workouts were conducted on a local bike trail.

Tuesday’s workout was a functional threshold power (FTP) test lasting one hour and twenty minutes. The FTP test routine includes a five minute maximum effort followed by 10 minutes of easy pedaling before completing a 20 minute race-paced effort. Average speed was 19.3 mph; maximum speed was 24.0 mph. Average power was 140 watts; maximum power was 313 watts.

Wednesday’s workout was a weight training session consisting of a 15-minute warmup on the bike, an assortment of 11 exercises, such as high-bench step-ups, straight arm pullovers, sit-ups + weights, and trunk curls, followed by a 10-minute cooldown on the bike. Total workout time was 1:45, with 1:20 for the exercise portion.

Thursday’s workout was an endurance effort at 70%-80% MHR featuring three 10-minute intervals (five minutes at 70% MHR at 95 RPM cadence followed by five minutes at 80% MHR at 100 RPM cadence) completed continuously. Average speed was 20.5 mph; maximum speed was 23.4 mph. Average power was 159 watts; maximum power was 261 watts.

Friday’s workout was a recovery ride of 40 minutes at less than 60% MHR. Average speed was 17.8 mph; maximum speed was 19.4 mph. Average power was 109 watts; maximum power was 164 watts.

Saturday’s workout was a 20.2 mile effort at 70%-80% MHR at 90+ cadence completed in 1:24:37. Average speed was 14.4 mph; maximum speed was 22.1 mph.

Sunday’s workout was a 23.79 mile effort at 70%-80% MHR at 90+ RPM cadence completed in 1:32:52. Average speed was 15.4 mph; maximum speed was 24.6 mph.


  • Total Distance: 107.98 mi
  • Longest Ride: 25.74 mi
  • Total Time for Week: 7:37:39 (h:m:s)
  • Avg Speed: 17.2 mph
  • Max Speed: 24.6 mph
  • Avg Power: 136 W
  • Max Power: 313 W
  • Calories: 3,218 C
  • Avg Weight: 166.2