Period 6 – Week 6 Training Report

PERIOD 6 – WEEK 6  (06/03 – 06/09) TRAINING REPORT

HIGHLIGHTS: This was a recovery week with the aim of participating in early season races while building intensity to a peak in mid-June. The week’s workouts were a mix of indoors on a power trainer and outdoors on a local bike trail.

Tuesday’s workout was a variety of sprint intervals: 15 seconds sprint at over 430+ watts with two minutes and 45 seconds recovery repeated six times; one minute sprint at 320 +watts with three minutes recovery repeated twice. Average speed was 16.7 mph; maximum speed was 24.9 mph. Average power was 138 watts; maximum power was 615 watts.

Wednesday’s ride was a 23.04 mile effort at 60%-70% Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) completed in 1:31.32. Average speed was 15.2 mph; maximum speed was 22.7 mph.

Thursday’s workout was “Billat” sprint intervals: surge at high power for 30 seconds, then 30 seconds at 60%-80% MHR repeated six times. Average speed was 17.6 mph; maximum speed was 23.8 mph. Average power was 157 watts; maximum power was 482 watts.

Friday’s workout was leg speed spinout intervals: 30 seconds to maximum cadence, hold for one minute, then pedal easily for four minutes, repeated four times. Average speed was 13.8 mph; maximum speed was 17.1 mph. Average power was 83 watts; maximum power was 287 watts.

Saturday’s ride was a 23.00 mile effort at 60%-70% MHR completed in 1:36:01. Average speed was 14.4 mph; maximum speed was 19.9 mph.

Sunday’s race was a 18 kilometer effort at 100%-105% MHR completed in 0:30:39. Average speed was 22.0 mph; maximum speed was 27.5 mph.


  • Total Distance: 94.11 mi
  • Longest Ride: 23.04 mi
  • Total Time for Week: 6:47:20 (h:m:s)
  • Avg Speed: 16.6 mph
  • Max Speed: 27.5 mph
  • Avg Power: 126 watts
  • Max Power: 615 watts
  • Calories: 1,913 C
  • Avg Weight: 166.4