Period 7 – Week 1 Training Report

PERIOD 7 – WEEK 1 (04/27 – 05/03) TRAINING REPORT

HIGHLIGHTS: This was the base week starting the third of three intensity (power/speed) training periods, featuring power and tempo efforts at 93%-100% MHR on Tuesday and Thursday. However, the normal training program was suspended due to my incomplete recovery from the previous period’s final week and tapering for a race on Saturday. All of the weekday workouts were conducted indoors on the trainer. Saturday’s race was conducted on a 30 kilometer course over rolling hills in rural West Virginia. Sunday’s recovery ride was conducted outdoors on the local bike trail.

Tuesday’s workout, normally a power interval session at 95%-105% MHR, was suspended and changed to a rest day.

Wednesday’s workout, normally a steady ride at 71% – 82% MHR, was suspended and changed to a rest day.

Thursday’s workout, normally a progressive endurance effort, was changed to a one hour recovery ride below 70% MHR on the trainer. Average speed was 17.2 mph; maximum speed was 18.2 mph. Average power was 95 watts; maximum power was 108 watts.

Friday’s workout was another one hour recovery ride below 70% MHR adding four 15-second all-out sprints, with two minutes recovery between each sprint. Average speed was 17.9 mph; maximum speed was 29.4 mph. Average power was 106 watts; maximum power was 415 watts.

Saturday’s race was the Argyle Time Trial held on a 30 kilometer loop course over rolling hills in rural West Virginia. Official race results and my race report are here: Argyle Time Trial.

Sunday’s workout was a 37.06 mile recovery effort outdoors at 60%-75% MHR at 90+ RPM cadence completed in 2:18:29. Average speed was 16.1 mph; maximum speed was 27.8 mph.


  • Total Distance: 99.07 mi
  • Longest Ride: 37.06 mi
  • Total Time for Week: 5:38:04 (h:m:s)
  • Avg Speed: 17.6 mph
  • Max Speed: 33.8 mph
  • Avg Power: 100 W
  • Max Power: 415 W
  • Calories: 2,163 C
  • Avg Weight: 167.9