Period 9 – Week 1 Training Report
PERIOD 9 – WEEK 1 (08/05 – 08/11) TRAINING REPORT
HIGHLIGHTS: This is the main racing period. The aim of the period is to sustain and enhance racing performance, and to taper and peak for key events. The week’s workouts were a mix of indoor workouts on the power trainer and outdoor workouts on a local bike trail. Sunday’s race was conducted on local roads.
Tuesday’s workout was sprint intervals called “Russian Steps”: 15 seconds sprinting with 45 seconds recovery, 30 seconds sprinting with 30 seconds recovery, 45 seconds sprinting with 15 seconds recovery, 60 seconds sprinting with 60 seconds recovery, 45 seconds sprinting with 15 seconds recovery, 30 seconds sprinting with 30 seconds recovery, and 15 seconds sprinting with five minutes recovery, repeated twice. Average speed was 18.0 mph; maximum speed was 23.9 mph. Average power was 164 watts; maximum power was 546 watts.
Wednesday’s ride was a 22.92 mile effort at 60%-70% MHR completed in 1:24:18. Average speed was 16.4 mph; maximum speed was 25.2 mph.
Thursday’s workout was revised “Billat” sprint intervals: surge at high power for 40 seconds, then 20 seconds at 60%-80% MHR repeated eight times, followed by five minutes recovery. This set is repeated twice. Average speed was 17.2 mph; maximum speed was 22.6 mph. Average power was 145 watts; maximum power was 516 watts.
Saturday’s race preparation ride was a 22.96 mile effort at 60%-70% MHR completed in 1:29:05. Average speed was 15.5 mph; maximum speed was 23.0 mph.
Sunday’s race was a 11.95 mile effort at 100%-105% MHR completed in 0:31:46. Average speed was 22.7 mph; maximum speed was 29.1 mph.
- Total Distance: 90.15 mi
- Longest Ride: 22.96 mi
- Total Time for Week: 5:53:50 (h:m:s)
- Avg Speed: 18.1 mph
- Max Speed: 29.1 mph
- Avg Power: 177 watts
- Max Power: 592 watts
- Calories: 2,002 C
- Avg Weight: 166.3