Preparation – Week 4 Training Report


HIGHLIGHTS: The aim for this fourth of five weeks of preparation for the 2021 race season is a focus on endurance and speed workouts. The workouts on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were conducted indoors on a power trainer. The workout on Sunday was conducted outdoors on local bike trails.

Wednesday’s L4 Canoe Sweetspot Intervals was two minutes at 212 watts, two minutes at 201 watts, two minutes at 191 watts, two minutes at 201 watts, two minutes at 223 watts, and four minutes recovery at 95 watts repeated three times. Average speed was 16.9 mph; maximum speed was 24.0 mph. Average power was 103 watts; maximum power was 366 watts.

Thursday’s L1 Recovery Spin was 60 minutes at 85-106 watts. Average speed was 16.7 mph; maximum speed was 21.7 mph. Average power was 94 watts; maximum power was 134 watts.

Friday’s L2 High Cadence Endurance Intervals was five intervals of seven minutes at 170 watts followed by three minutes of recovery at 85 watts. Average speed was 18.7 mph; maximum speed was 25.1 mph. Average power was 128 watts; maximum power was 203 watts.

Sunday’s L2 Long Endurance Varied ride was 56.51 miles completed in 4:07:27. Average speed was 13.7 mph; maximum speed was 22.2 mph. Average power was 123 watts; maximum power was 494 watts.


  • Total Distance: 120.54 mi
  • Longest Ride: 56.51 mi
  • Total Time for Week: 8:40:33 (h:m:s)
  • Avg Speed: 15.4 mph
  • Max Speed: 25.1 mph
  • Avg Power: 112 watts
  • Max Power: 494 watts
  • Calories: 3,276 C
  • Avg Weight: 163.9