Preparation – Week 3 Training Report


HIGHLIGHTS: The aim for this third of five weeks of preparation for the 2021 race season is a focus on endurance and speed workouts. The workouts on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday were conducted indoors on a power trainer. The workouts on Wednesday and Saturday were conducted outdoors on local bike trails.

Tuesday’s L2 Focused Turtling Session was 60 minutes at 138-159 watts. Average speed was 19.0 mph; maximum speed was 23.9 mph. Average power was 130 watts; maximum power was 160 watts.

Wednesday’s L4 Declining Sweetspot Intervals was a 22.95 mile effort completed in 1:32:42. Average speed was 14.9 mph; maximum speed was 21.8 mph. Average power was 148 watts; maximum power was 445 watts.

Thursday’s L2 TT Aerobar Session was 60 minutes at 138-180 watts. Average speed was 17.4 mph; maximum speed was 29.1 mph. Average power was 109 watts; maximum power was 151 watts.

Saturday’s L2 Endurance Varied workout was a 31.40 mile effort completed in 2:17:57. Average speed was 13.7 mph; maximum speed was 22.2 mph. Average power was 47 watts; maximum power was 451 watts.

Sunday’s L1 Aerobars Recovery workout was 45 minutes at 106 watts. Average speed was 13.9 mph; maximum speed was 28.1 mph. Average power was 69 watts; maximum power was 130 watts.


  • Total Distance: 101.35 mi
  • Longest Ride: 31.40 mi
  • Total Time for Week: 8:08:33 (h:m:s)
  • Avg Speed: 15.3 mph
  • Max Speed: 29.1 mph
  • Avg Power: 101 watts
  • Max Power: 451 watts
  • Calories: 2,494 C
  • Avg Weight: 164.1