Base 1 – Week 3 Training Report

BASE 1 – WEEK 3 (12/14 – 12/20) TRAINING REPORT

HIGHLIGHTS: The aim for this next phase of training for the 2021 race season is to increase the time in the saddle with endurance and speed workouts. Workouts on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday were conducted indoors on a power trainer. Saturday’s workout was conducted outdoors on local bike trails.

Tuesday’s L4 FTP Intervals was eight minutes warmup at 94-129 watts; three repeats of eight minute intervals at 222 watts, two minutes recovery at 94 watts; 40 minutes endurance at 152-187 watts. Average speed was 20.6 mph; maximum speed was 26.6 mph. Average power was 162 watts; maximum power was 246 watts.

Wednesday’s L1 Aerobars Recovery Ride was 60 minutes at 117 watts. Average speed was 18.1 mph; maximum speed was 23.4 mph. Average power was 116 watts; maximum power was 151 watts.

Thursday’s L4 Attacking Sweetspot Intervals workout was cancelled due to a late afternoon dental appointment.

Friday’s L1 Aerobars Recovery Ride was 60 minutes at 117 watts. Average speed was 17.1 mph; maximum speed was 36.7 mph. Average power was 116 watts; maximum power was 154 watts.

Saturday’s L2 Long Endurance Varied ride was 38.73 miles completed in 2:55:28. Average speed was 13.3 mph; maximum speed was 20.9 mph. Average power was 134 watts; maximum power was 436 watts.

Sunday’s L1 Aerobars Recovery Ride was 60 minutes at 117 watts. Average speed was 17.6 mph; maximum speed was 25.3 mph. Average power was 108 watts; maximum power was 161 watts.


  • Total Distance: 112.49 mi
  • Longest Ride: 38.73 mi
  • Total Time for Week: 8:49:49 (h:m:s)
  • Avg Speed: 16.1 mph
  • Max Speed: 36.7 mph
  • Avg Power: 127 watts
  • Max Power: 436 watts
  • Calories: 3,337 C
  • Avg Weight: 164.7