Period 13 – Week 1 Training Report
PERIOD 13 – WEEK 1 (11/02 – 11/08) TRAINING REPORT
HIGHLIGHTS: This was the first of two weeks of active recovery after the final race of the season. Normally, this period would be four weeks in length, but had to be shortened due the four week delay for the final race. All of the weekday workouts were conducted indoors on the trainer. The weekend workouts were conducted on a local bike trail.
Tuesday’s workout was a recovery effort at less than 70% MHR in the 39 x 25 gear at 90-95 RPM cadence. Average speed was 13.6 mph; maximum speed was 14.8 mph.
Wednesday was a rest day with no workout.
Thursday’s workout was a recovery effort at less than 70% MHR in the 53 x 19 gear at 90-95 RPM cadence. Average speed was 18.0 mph; maximum speed was 19.4 mph. Average power was 107 watts; maximum power was 130 watts.
Friday was a rest day with no workout.
Saturday’s workout was a 24.64 mile effort at 70%-82% MHR at 90 RPM cadence, completed in 1:37:01. Average speed was 15.4 mph; maximum speed was 27.8 mph.
Sunday’s workout was a 28.44 mile effort at 70%-82% MHR at 90 RPM cadence, completed in 2:00:04. Average speed was 14.3 mph; maximum speed was 26.9 mph.
- Total Distance: 84.57 mi
- Longest Ride: 28.44 mi
- Total Time for Week: 5:37:10 (h:m:s)
- Avg Speed: 15.0 mph
- Max Speed: 27.8 mph
- Avg Power: 107 W
- Max Power: 130 W
- Calories: 1,500 C
- Avg Weight: 164.25