Period 13 – Week 5 Training Report
PERIOD 13 – WEEK 5 (11/05 – 11/11) TRAINING REPORT
HIGHLIGHTS: This was the third and final week of recovery after the last races of the 2018 season. This week’s workouts included two self-administered tests: a Functional Threshold Power (FTP) test and a Power Profile test. These tests were conducted indoors on a power trainer. The rest of the week’s rides were conducted outdoors on a local bike trail.
Tuesday’s workout was a FTP test to establish both power and heart rate thresholds for the start of off-season training next week. After 18 minutes of preparation, 10 minutes were spent increasing effort before commencing the actual test, a time trial at the highest pace that can be maintained for 20 minutes. Average speed was 22.9 mph; maximum speed was 24.2 mph. Average power was 213 watts; maximum power was 272 watts.
Wednesday’s ride was a 28.49 mile effort at 60%-70% MHR completed in 1:47:50. Average speed was 15.9 mph; maximum speed was 22.9 mph.
Thursday’s ride was a 15.55 mile effort at 60%-70% MHR completed in 1:05:08. Average speed was 14.3 mph; maximum speed was 21.7 mph.
Friday’s workout was a Power Profile test to gauge my maximum power output. After 18 minutes of preparation, eight minutes were spent increasing effort before commencing the actual test: five minutes as hard as possible, followed by 10 minutes recovery, a one minute all-out sprint, followed by five minutes recovery, a second one minute all-out sprint, followed by five minutes recovery, a 15 seconds sprint as hard as possible, followed by two minutes recovery, and a second 15 seconds sprint as hard as possible, followed by 10 minutes cooldown. Average speed was 19.1 mph; maximum speed was 28.0 mph. Average power was 136 watts; maximum power was 542 watts.
Saturday’s ride was a 17.98 mile effort at 60%-70% MHR completed in 1:18:04. Average speed was 13.9 mph; maximum speed was 22.6 mph.
Sunday’s ride was a 29.67 mile effort at 60%-70% MHR completed in 2:00:18. Average speed was 14.9 mph; maximum speed was 23.0 mph.
- Total Distance: 133.48 mi
- Longest Ride: 29.67 mi
- Total Time for Week: 9:17:25 (h:m:s)
- Avg Speed: 16.1 mph
- Max Speed: 28.0 mph
- Avg Power: 153 watts
- Max Power: 550 watts
- Calories: 2,617 C
- Avg Weight: 166.2